In Your Pants/Beneath the Sheets
Have you seen Hank Green’s Brotherhood 2.0 video entry about “In Your Pants,” the latest blog phenomenon? The gist is this: Add “in your pants” to the titles of well-known books, then…well, see if you...
View ArticlePrank Contest Entry
If you believe the axiom “Idle hands are the Devil’s tools,” you’ll understand when I confess that the endless hours I spent in church pews and on the road to Revival with my evangelical father were...
View ArticleRetracing the Sawdust Trail
I spent several hours combing through the newspaper archives at the Los Angeles Central Library last Saturday. Lucky for me, they’ve digitized over a century’s worth of the L.A. Times! Along with...
View ArticleProtected: Nobody knows but Jesus
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View Article#TBT: Indoor revival meeting in Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon Revival Meeting, August 1966 In researching my memoir, I oftentimes revved up my roadster and slipped into the role of my alter ego, Nancy Drew. I’ve gathered clues from the...
View Article#TBT: Pentecostal Revival Tent in Johnson City, Tennessee
In this faded photograph, my father’s kneeling in front of a (heated!) revival tent, with his preaching Bible spread across an open palm. My father said his hands were anointed by God, as evidenced by...
View Article#TBT My Father’s Pentecostal Revival Tent–built of canvas, faith and grit
My father’s tent revival meeting in Key West, Florida (Anyone recognize the street signs?) A lesser star in the evangelical orbit, my father didn’t usually have a crew on hand to help set up his tent...
View Article#TBT: My Writing Notebook (Looking Back and Moving Forward)
For who will testify, who will accurately describe our lives if we do not do it ourselves? –Faye Moskowitz, And the Bridge is Love My friend Emjae created this mock book cover for me a few years back,...
View ArticleThrowback Thursday: My Brother Roger (1943-2015)
We didn’t stay in any one place for long, nor did we ever sit for family portraits. And while revival organizers sometimes took candid snapshots of my father’s fiery sermons and the like, most of those...
View ArticleThankful Thursday: Digital Archivists and Classified Ads
Before Twitter, Instagram and Facebook existed, faith-healing evangelists used to announce their comings and goings in the local newspapers. And now, thanks to the digital archivists who preserved...
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