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In Your Pants/Beneath the Sheets

Have you seen Hank Green’s Brotherhood 2.0 video entry about “In Your Pants,” the latest blog phenomenon? The gist is this: Add “in your pants” to the titles of well-known books, then…well, see if you can read them aloud without laughing. In his video, Hank provides some examples to get you going: 


Rabbit at Rest (in your pants)

Getting the Girl  (in your pants)

Stumbling on Happiness (in your pants)
An Abundance of Katherines (in your pants)


Now try this with titles from your own bookshelves (The Devil Wears PradaBetter Than YesterdayThe Meaning of Wife…).


Actually, I think we preachers’ kids own territorial rights, if not copyright, to the idea behind this trend. Forced to sit in the front row of marathon church services while my father preached and (repeatedly) passed the offering plate, my siblings and I would try to keep each other awake. Often, we’d do so with a high-stakes but hilarious game of “Beneath the Sheets.” 

The rules were simple: we’d open up our hymnals to a random page, point at a song title, and silently mouth the suffix, “beneath the sheets,” while trying not to laugh. Predictably, we’d dissolve into silent giggles. The consequences of out-loud laughter were fairly high: Interrupt the hellfire-and-damnation diatribe at the pulpit, and the wrath of the entire congregation would rain down mightily upon your small head. 

How long would you last? Give it a try:

Silent Night (beneath the sheets)

Amazing Grace (beneath the sheets)

Rock of Ages (beneath the sheets)

Come, Lord Jesus…well, you get the idea!

Anyone else remember playing this game?

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